05 December 2007


Corners of the heart
Quiet surprises
Unfolding knots
Of golden strings

New found delight of perhaps
And abstract musings
Evening song and the red sun
Of sinking possibilities

Children bouncing on
The trampoline of hope
Just below a building
Of tinted glass

Have you ever wondered
Why it is that the swing
Never took you high enough
To touch the sky

It’s a peculiar feeling this
Of wanting
To dissolve into the air
With the scent of a Jasmine

To walk without the walls
Of invisible cages
And fly into the arms
Of infinite horizons

‘Tis the greedy ears, they pine
For the symphony of notes
To drown the voices muffled
By the noises of chemical wonders

Were it not for the pining
Undiscovered would lie
The dusts of treasure
In trunks of wood and metal

Corners of the heart
See with open eyes
The wonders of a grain
That garners relish

From spirited incubation
In the womb of an idea
And innocuous sprouting
Of pulses of passion

Somewhere, a lantern
Whispers to the night
An aspiration to break
At the shore of his destiny

Nisha Joshi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really nice.... I loved it :)