25 December 2018

A Random Christmas Song

But first, a question ‘Do you really believe in Santa?’ 

I do believe that I fear all things good. However, I also do believe that all good things eventually come to me. They get to me. In fact, they come for me, like nothing else. Through each layer of my skin and penetrate into my veins. My veins. Are full of blood. And poetry. My veins are reeking of love’s perfume. Love has blinded my reasonable mind, carefully balanced with perspective and insight. Yet love is making me mad. My love for self, it’s driving me crazy. My love for the honesty, dripping from your tongue like honey. Your honesty and my honesty embracing each other to form one final truth. Like a bomb, exploding, allowing our souls to embrace. 

So, the question is, ‘Do you really believe in Santa?’ 

I am now sitting through this passing of time. Feeling like somehow, it is okay to delay the happening of a circumstance. The becoming of me. But the showering of blessings are inevitable tonight. Santa’s beard must not be pulled. It is real. His snowy beard is real. Do you believe in the snow. The falling snow. Does it light up your eyes with wonder? Does is make you stick out your palm to catch the flakes. Do you open your gifts carefully, so you don’t hurt the wrapping paper’s feelings. Then why would you ask me that question? There is nothing more important than a handful of seeds in your hands. There is nothing more soulful than a sprout making its way through the darkness and reaching for the sky. That seed is god. That seed is the goodness in us. That seed is the beauty we see and the love we feel. That is the spirit of Christmas. That is the song. The only gift Santa really brings, is happiness. Do you believe in happiness? Yes? Then why would you ask me that question.

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